Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ocean Acidification

  • Ocean Acidification is when CO2 combines into the ocean water making it more acidic.
  • Acidification in the ocean occurs naturally and also because humans. Humans cause this because the burning of fossil fuels puts CO2 into the environment which then gets put into the ocean.
  • This effects the plantonic and benthic organisms because they live off of the ocean water, but if the ocean water becomes more acidic then it starts to slowly decay the benthic and plantonic organisms.
  • Theres many different ways to prevent the acidicfication from growing. Ways that are really easy to starts but yet the human race seems to be to lazy. All we have to simply do is reduce the CO2 emishions we put out.
  • I learned that it can kill the ecosystem without us even knowing, its slowly killing the shellfish, and also that humans effect the growth rate way to much

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