Wednesday, February 20, 2013


  • Sea Snakes, also known as Hydrophiinae, are snakes that live in the ocean.
  • Sea snakes have made many different adaptations compared to their relatives who live on land. You see humans have the ability to pass the salt from the ocean through urine, while reptiles and birds do not have this ability. Therefore they pass the overload of salt through their nasal glands/passages. The adaptations of sea snakes being in the sea makes them have to be able to use their tails as something along the lines of a paddle. Adaptations are vast in any species so these are just the few.
  • There habitat is mainly found off of the coasts of the Indian Ocean spreading around to the Pacific Ocean. Now yes that sounds very large but really the likely hood of you finding a sea snake in the open ocean are very slim. 
  • There really are no current issues regarding sea snakes or anything really against sea snakes. They appear to be harmless to a certain extent in the water. They are unlikely to strike a human or are quite shy. But when out of water sea snakes strike wildly at anything that makes a move and oddly they are unable to coil to strike something like their relatives on land. Other than when taken out of water sea snakes do not really create harm. 

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