Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monitor Lizard

  • Scientific Name:Varanus Albigularis
  • Common Name:Rock Monitor/Monitor Lizard
  • Habitat: The various species of Varanus cover a vast area, occuring through Africa, the Indian Subcontinent from Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka to China, down Southeast Asia to Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, and a large concentration of monitor lizards are found on Tioman Island in the Malaysian state of Pahang.
  • Reproduction: They are reptiles so they do lay eggs. They are Oviparous, laying from 7 all the way up to 37 eggs.
  • Prey: They really like to search and find whats oddly a delicacy pretty much to them, eggs..
  • Three Interesting Facts:
  1.  They have been known to be able to count up to 6.
  2.  They have very strong and developed limbs.
  3. Monitor Lizards are eaten in parts of southern india and malaysia, where their meat is a considered an aphrodisiac.

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